Who wants a shot at free stuff? I'm going to guess that just about everyone out there wants a shot at this package! It consists of a 2010 US Dealer's catalogue with all kinds of neat information in addition to the photos and descriptions of each current model. This kit also comes with a copy of A Friend In Need, a small booklet which includes all manner of stories in which a SAK has saved the day! Last but certainly not least is the 2010 Media Kit 1gb SwissMemory Flight model, identical to the one in this month's article!

So what do you have to do to have a chance at this beautiful prize? Simple- email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. a short message about your first SAK and how you got into SAK collecting! Get it in to me by March 15th, 2010 and I'll pick a winner at random from all the entries! I'll announce the winner in next month's newsletter!
Oh yeah, and don't forget to keep sending in those SAKtivity pics!