Sosakonline Archive

Please note that all content in this section has been imported from our old Sosakonline website and may contain broken links. We are revising it as we can, but these things take time, and it's a lot of content to get through!

Since there has been a lot of discussion about the Victorinox One Handed Trekker (OHT), I thought I'd share how I removed the serrations and chisel grind. It is a fairly easy job, requiring a few tools and some elbow grease.

Today, I thought I would try to see what the "usable" glowing times were for a set of Stayglow scales.

I first encountered the GAK in a Military Surplus store a few years after the reunification of Germany. Military surplus from both East and West was beginning to appear in the States at the time.

Great news!  Thanks to a generous donation to the site by our esteemed member Francisco, we now have a brand new in box One Handed German Army Knife up for auction!

ALOX is beautiful and functional.  What better material for the REAL Swiss Army Issue Knife?

Some folks may have seen the Authorized SOSAK Dealer Seal.  This seal certifies that the dealer using it has the complete support of all members of SOSAK and is very highly regarded for their dedication to SOSAK, it's members and their customers.

Aitor is a company with a long story in knife making. They started in 1939 and focused on the hardware and working knife markets, later on they began producing fixed blades and folders for outdoors sports.

First of all, sorry for the lack of pictures. I always lost or broke the cameras I carried outdoors, so I don’t take cameras on my trips anymore (besides, I really suck at photography).

I discovered the Sécurité models just a few months ago. A locking 84mm SAK was high on my EDC wish list. This would be only my second Wenger (the first was a Woods Classic, not too long ago).

I have always loved knives. Big knives, small knives, folders or fixed blades. High end and simple knives. I have collected and used knives my whole life but the one knife I never had till I was an adult was a Swiss Army Knife. Once I discovered the SAK I have systematically sold or traded most of my tacticals and other fancy knives and focused mostly on SAKs.